Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Endangered Species In Canada Essays - Environmental Conservation

Endangered Species in Canada There are many trillions of living creatures, and millions of different kinds of animals and plants share our planet (pg 46, Savage). Each Kind, or species, is special and unique. But, some of these species are in danger of disappearing forever, just as the passenger pigeon did. When the last member of a species disappears, that species is said to be extinct. Never again will there be another creature of that type on the planet for eternity. In the following essay it will be proven that Canadian Wildlife is becoming endangered due to the actions of man. Our Country was once filled with wildlife, and in the past, people hunted without worrying about the future. It seemed as though there was an unlimited amount of wildlife to be found. But overhunting has changed this and caused the extinction of many species. Canadian people of the past thought that if you protected animals from hunting, that would be enough. Today we now know that we must also protect there habitats. This is where they find food, water, shelter, and a place to have their young. Even if they are not hunted, animals will die out if these necessities cannot be met. In this century, loss of habitat has been one of the main caused of extinction (pg 8, Silverstein). People share the country and the planet with all the other creatures that live here. As human population grows, people spread out into areas that once were wild, and they compete with animals for living space. Mort times than not the animals lose in this battle. People cut down forests for lumber, clear fields for farms, and fill swamps to build towns, highways, and factories. Land can also be cleared for such things as mineral extraction. Wild animals get fenced out from areas that were once their homes. Larger animals are affected the worst because they need large open spaces, and when these areas shrink it is much more difficult to find food, and live without the fear of man. When a small lot of land is cleared for a home, not much is affected. When a whole city is built in what was once a wild area, an entire species of animal may be endangered. People often see wild animals as a nuisance and drive them away into the remaining wildland. But, as the Canada's wildland disappears, there will be fewer places for the wildlife to go. Even habitats that are left intact and not disturbed by human intervention, may infact be unsafe for wildlife because of pollution. Oil spills pollute the oceans and injure or kill water mammals and birds. When farmers spray their crops with pesticides to keep insects from eating their crops, many animals are harmed as well. Industries send out chemicals into the air, water, and land, with no concern about what it may be doing to the environment. Garbage dumps leak toxic chemicals into neighbouring lakes and rivers, also affecting birds and fish. The garbage that is dumped straight into the ocean poisons wildlife severely. Also, animals may mistake plastics and styrofoam for food or become strangled by plastic six-pack holders. Not all animals environments are poisoned by accident. Some rancher, for example, have put out poison for coyotes and wolves because these animals sometimes kill there cattle or sheep. People and industries must be more aware of what they are doing to the environment and how they affect the wildlife in general. Until recently, most people believed that the earth and everything on it belonged to humans and that we could do whatever we wa nted with any of the creatures that shared our planet. Human activities have driven many species to the verge of extinction, but there have been some encouraging examples of how society can save endangered animals. One of these is the American bison, or buffalo. The buffalo once was the symbol of the American wilderness. These huge animals roamed the plains, grazing in enormous herds. There were 30 million buffalo in the West in the 1860's. But, by 1883, hunters had killed all but 1,00 of them (pg 14, Silverstein). Fortunately, several people had captured some buffalo to raise in captivity. By 1890, 600 of the 700 remaining buffalo were in private hands. Growing numbers of people became concerned that with so few buffalo left they could soon become extinct. There are many ways that people, working through government and other organizations, can help save our wildlife. One is to pass laws

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Write a Research Essay on Applied Anthropology in Real Life

How to Write a Research Essay on Applied Anthropology in Real Life Writing a research essay is a more scientific rather than creative task, one which you will be assigned many times throughout the duration of your academic career. This type of writing is one which forces you to focus your efforts on the following: 1) Narrow down a Topic The topic you select has to be something that you can cover in the span of pages or word count allotted to you. This is one of the most challenging items for students, as often the first topic selected is too broad. You cannot, for example, write about â€Å"the differences between Hmong and western medicine† in five pages; people have written books hundreds and thousands of pages in length and still not covered everything in this topic. You would instead, have to narrow it down to one aspect of medicine, or one area of conflict, such as the treatment of an infection with antibiotics versus herbal teas, or how effective some herbal remedies are to traditional ailments, even though they are not always sponsored by western doctors. Note: You should search for something that is interesting to you if you can. The more passionate you are about the topic, the more that passion will flow through your work and the more your teacher will notice. Scan the topics we suggest, maybe you’ll find something you’ll write about. 2) Research Your Topic The research here is one of the most important components. Any claim you make needs to be backed by scientific evidence or fact of some kind. This is often what makes such a piece stand out compared to more creative writing tasks where you can make your personal claims without substantiation. If you make the claim that a specific culture cannot tolerate the medicinal treatment of another culture, the Hmong and Western medicine for example, you need to provide facts to prove this (check out interesting facts on applied anthropology that can become handy while writing a research essay). Your word is insufficient. You must provide: stories from ethnographic studies or interviews quotes from people who are viable interviewees (such as the Hmong people who have avoided or sought medical treatment, western doctors who have provided treatment, or cultural advisors/interpreters who have worked with such cases) statistics such as the high statistical prevalence of the Hmong women visiting ER’s to deliver babies compared to the low statistical prevalence of the Hmong women seeking pre-natal care during their pregnancy For each claim you make, you must present support so that the reader can side with your argument. 3) Draft Your Paper Once you have the key elements you want to present in the form of an outline, you should write out the evidence for each of your claims. You want a well-balanced paper, so you should have roughly equal facts for each claim you make. Once this is one, it is time to start writing. The more comprehensive your outline is, the easier the first draft will be. Make sure you properly cite all of your sources including the page number in accordance with the format requirements laid out by your teacher. This should be explained in the assignment, and if not, you can always ask them. If you need custom essay writing assistance from professional writers you can always contact CustomWritings.