Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Plagiarism And The Substance And Context Of Academic...

This paper reviews journal articles on plagiarism and explores the substance and context of academic dishonesty, including self-plagiarism, the nature of plagiarism and how it is perceived by students and faculty. Moreover, how serious of a problem plagiarism really is and why students feel it necessary to cheat. It researches the challenges presented by the huge quantity of information available over the internet. This report also reviews faculty views on academic dishonesty and the many disagreements surrounding what constitutes blatant plagiarism versus unintentional cheating. Also, which disciplinary actions are in the highest degree appropriate. It is concluded that plagiarism is an ongoing problem. Students cheat for many reasons, from lack of knowledge to laziness. It is likewise found that faculty may share the same laze fair attitude as students when they rely on software alone to investigate plagiarism. Surprisingly, some may choose not to evaluate or address the topic altogether or even to assess what their pupils know so that they may prepare accordingly. This report will provide suggestions to teach students how to avoid plagiarism. It will also propose constructive strategies for the prevention of piracy to include education along with faculty and student accountability. Keywords: plagiarism, internet, student perceptions, faculty perceptions, academic dishonesty, strategies Plagiarism Many students regard plagiarism as a harmless form of â€Å"borrowing†Show MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words   |  158 Pagesï » ¿Plagiarism Bibliography Buckwalter, J. A., Wright, T., Mogoanta, L. and Alman, B. (2012), Plagiarism: An assault on the integrity of scientific research. J. Orthop. Res., 30:  1867 1868. Granitz, N. and Loewy, D. (2007). Applying Ethical Theories: Interpreting and Responding to Student Plagiarism. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(3), 293-306. Luke, B. and Kearins, K. (2012), Attribution of words versus attribution of responsibilities: Academic plagiarism and university practice. Vaccine, 30(50):Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesissues. McAuley et al. helps student and managers understand organizational performance without having to go through extensive reading. It deepens their understanding of issues with which they are confronted in practice, by putting them into a larger context. This book really helps students and managers to become wiser. Professor Renà © Tissen, Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands This book will appeal to the student who seeks a thorough and critical understanding of organization theory. It isRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pagesin the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 ChapterRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagesmust recognize the viewpoints of three key players: the company, the industry, and society. Since these three groups almost always have different needs and wants, ethical conflicts are likely to arise. Ethical conflicts in marketing arise in two contexts : First, when there is a difference between the needs of the three aforementioned groups ( the company, the industry, and society) a conflict may arise. Second and ethical conflict may arise when one’s personal values conflict with the organization

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Henrik Ibsen s A Doll s House - 933 Words

A Hidden Identity In Henrik Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Doll’s House† the relationship between husband and wife, male and female, is portrayed in many ways. Female’s were seen as inferior and had very little expected out of them other then being a wife and mother, which is accurate for the time period Ibsen wrote the play in. This is evident in the relationship between the two main characters, Torvald and Nora Helmer. Torvald expects Nora to be a wife and mother first and foremost above being a human being. Though these two responsibilities are a big deal, especially in the time period â€Å"A Doll’s House† is written in, they have taken precedent over Nora’s responsibility for herself, to find who she truly is. Nora does a lot of pretending, a lot of hiding, and ultimately is a doll in the eyes of Torvald. Through out the three acts Nora makes herself weak and allows herself to have no voice. She has played around to please Torvald, pretendi ng to be happy and have her own opinions, but by the end of the play she realizes that it has all been an act and decides it s time to take off the costume and stop pretending. â€Å"Nora (from within): Taking off my costume† (Ibsen, 911), this line is seen in Acts 3 after Torvald has forgiven Nora for what she has done. This line offers a lot to that specific moment, but the line also offers a great deal to the play as a whole. Through out Nora’s life she had to put on a mask and be who the male figures in her life wanted her to be, this is seen in herShow MoreRelatedHenrik Ibsen s A Doll House1563 Words   |  7 Pages In the play, A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, the title itself symbolizes the dependent and degraded role of the wife within traditional marriages. Ibsen portrayed the generous nature root into women by society, as well as the significant action of this nature, and lastly the need for them to find their own voice in a world ruled by men. Ibsen wrote this play in 1879, this is the era where women were obedient to men, tend the children until their husband came home, and stood by the Cult of DomesticityRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1717 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"A Doll, a Partner, and a Change† Social movement of women liberation toward equal rights and independence has been a big subject in human history. It happens not only in Europe but also all over the world. Though making progress, this movement has been advancing slowly and encountered backslashes from time to time. Maybe there is something deeply hidden which the society has not figured out yet, even women themselves. What do women want, freedom or good life? Most of the time, they are notRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1291 Words   |  6 Pages A Doll s House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play that has been written to withstand all time. In this play Ibsen highlights the importance of women’s rights. During the time period of the play these rights were neglected. Ibsen depicts the role of the woman was to stay at home, raise the children and attend to her husband during the 19th century. Nora is the woman in A Doll House who plays is portrayed as a victim. Michael Meyers said of Henrik Ibsen s plays: The common denominator in many of IbsenRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1288 Words   |  6 Pages Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is based in the Victorian society of the 19th century. It assesses the many struggles and hardships that women faced because of marriage â€Å"laws† that were crucial during that time period. The society was male- dominated with no equality. Nora is the protagonist in A Doll’s House and the wife of a man named Torvald. This play is about Nora’s voyage to recognizing her self- determination and independence. She transforms from a traditional, reserved woman to a new, independentRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1298 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"There is beauty in truth, even if it s painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one s character, one s mind, one s heart or one s soul.† (Josà © N. Harris). Nora Helmer’s choice to lie and deceive is inappropriate and wrong for women to do to her husband during this time period; itRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1037 Words   |  5 PagesHenrik Ibsen s A Doll s House is a work of literature genius. This three-act play involves many literary technics that are undermined by the average reader such as the fact that the plot shows the main characters Torvald and his wife Nora live the perfect life. An ironic paradox based around the fact that Nora and Torvald’s relationship is the complete opposite of perfect. Also, bringing upon a conflict as well, appearance versus reality. These little hidden meanings within stories are what areRead MoreA Doll s House : Henrik Ibsen962 Words   |  4 PagesDrama Analysis A Doll’s House (Henrik Ibsen) And Trifles (Susan Glaspell) In comparing both dramas, the overwhelming aspect of convergence between both is the open discussion of gender identity. Both dramas make similar points about what it means to be a woman. Modern society in both dramas is constructed with men holding power over women. This is seen in Trifles in how men like George Henderson and Mr. Hale are myopic. The premise of the drama is how women worry over trifles, and the dismissiveRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen1421 Words   |  6 PagesIn A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen examines conventional roles of men and women in the nineteenth century. In the play, Nora exemplifies the conventional feminine standard during that period. She seems to be powerless and confines herself through high standard expectations, demonstrating what the role of a women would be as a wife and mother. The protagonist of A Doll’s House is a woman named Nora Helmer. Ibsen shows how Nora’s design of perfect life gradually transforms when her sec ret unravels. InRead MoreHenrik Ibsen s A Doll House Essay1501 Words   |  7 PagesHenrik Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Doll House† was set in the Victorian era, a time where women were highly respected. Women in this time period did not work, they had nannies to take care of their children and maids to take care of their homes. Many women had no real responsibilities, they spent their time having tea parties and socializing with their friends. Henrik Ibsen dared to show the realism of the Victorian era while everyone else would only focus on the romantic aspect. In the play, â€Å"A Doll House†Read MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen876 Words   |  4 PagesA Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen A Doll’s House takes place in the home of Torvald and Nora Helmer. Through conversation with Nora’s good friend Kristine Linde it is revealed that Mr. Helmer was ill around the same time Nora’s father died. Luckily Nora’s father left her enough money that Torvald and Nora could go on a life saving trip to Italy. But the truth comes out when we find out Nora’s father did not leave her a penny. We find out that Nora got a hold of the money through a loan but she signed

Monday, December 9, 2019

Tet Holiday in Viet Nam free essay sample

It is a very good habit to have hobbies. Without them life becomes a boredom. They give us relaxation or amusement. But it should be noted that all recreations and amusements are not hobbies; for example gossiping, going to a talkie, or attending a musical performance are not hobbies. Stamp collecting, coin collecting, gardening, painting and photography are a few hobbies. These are superior kind of recreation, for they provide intellectual enjoyment. A happy feature about a hobby is that it lacks seriousness—for, a hobby pursued in a serious spirit, becomes a task. Let us take up stamp-collecting. Several resort to it as a hobby. We carefully remove the stamps from letters that have been addressed to us or to our friends and paste them on the pages of an album. We go on doing it for months and even years; we collect stamps of different countries and of different value. We take pleasure in it and feel we have done something useful, which others have not. It may not be useful to us or to others immediately. But from such collections much historical, geographical and cultural information can be gained. Many research scholars are eager to have such collections relating to the past. Some collectors have made money by selling rare stamps. Next take gardening. The plants we have ourselves planted and watered blossom into flowers. How happy we feel then. We do not feel any drudgery in the work. It improves our garden and our health. It is, therefore, useful. Another hobby but a rather expensive one, is photography. Photography, as an art, has developed to such an extent that it has become a fine art. We enjoy taking photographs. So, it is one of the best hobbies, if we can afford to cultivate it. Music and painting, if cultivated purely for the love of art, are also real hobbies. Every one of us should have a hobby within his or her means. Otherwise, life loses much of its charm, and becomes one long drudgery from beginning to end. By pursuing ones hobby, one learns the virtue of patience and intelligent research. It is not only a source of pleasure but also a means of healthy, vigorous and enlightened life. http://www. preservearticles. com/201104145396/hobbies. html Preservearticles. com Routine work of every day makes us monotonous. To break it we often look for interesting and exciting things to do. Hobbies are the best way to divert attention side by side with work. We need entertainment from time to time. At such times a good hobby is very useful. Hobbies provide recreation. They entertain us and at the same time are valuable in the sense that they develop personality. My hobby is singing. People often resort to gardening, reading, stamp collecting, bird watching, etc. However I love to listen to music and also to sing. I have a large collection of tapes and I listen to all kinds of music. My collection ranges from classical music to Rock and from Indian music to Western one. My hobby is to listen to these songs carefully and then to learn them. I sit with a paper and a pen and write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear. Then I hum along and soon I know the tunes too. I switch the tape recorder off and then I pretend to be the singer myself. I sing the song exactly the way it was sung by the playback singer. I succeed at times and sometimes fail Once I feel that I have begun to sing perfectly I tape my own voice. When I listen to the recording I listen objectively and try to locate my faults in singing. This helps me to improve on my singing and I find that also helps me to use my talent to advantage. Whenever I go to a party, my friends persuade me to sing. Once I begin, the party livens up, people join in and the place is filled with the sound of music. I feel proud of myself and my friend also praise me because they feel that I become the life of the party. I play the guitar and sing when we go on a picnic or when I have a free period in school. My hobby makes me happy and also brings joy to all my relatives and friends. It is necessary that everybody must have some hobby. It educates man, gives him pleasure, and helps him to utilize his free time fruitfully. If a person has no hobby, his spare time will turn him into a useless, irritated and restless person. An idle mind is a devils workshop. It is, therefore, essential to remain busy even in leisure hours. Hobbies always come to ones help. http://www. preservearticles. com/201104145439/essay-my-hobby. html An Essay on My Hobby Life without a hobby is like food without the salt. It is a hobby which makes living interesting. It is a pursuit outside one’s regular work. A hobby g ives one joy and pleasure; one does not get tired of it. It is a pastime, relaxation and leisure. In this way, while one is learning something, he is also making best use of his time. There are many hobbies like drawing, painting, gardening, stamp collecting, photography, reading, sewing, crafts, embroidery, knitting, cooking, pet care, coin collecting, etc. My favorite hobbies are gardening, coin collecting, photography and traveling. Gardening gives me immense pleasure. When I saw seed sown by me growing into beautiful plants and blooming flowers, it gives me a great sense of fulfillment. I enjoy tendering my plants and watering my garden every day. It gives me satisfaction and helps in keeping myself active and busy. I grow flowers and vegetables in my garden. The greenery of plants and sweet fragrance of flowers are the tonics for eyes and mind. In a world full of tension and pollution, it is a great relief to see beautiful flowers and  lovely  plants. Another hobby which I pursue is stamp collecting. I have collected hundreds of stamps. It is a pleasure to exchange stamps. I have arranged them in six albums according to the continents. My father who often goes abroad helps me to collect rare stamps. Each stamp has a story to tell of distant land, strange peoples and the history of nations. I have made many friends in India and abroad by exchanging stamps. Photography is another hobby which is dear to my heart. It gives me a thrill to capture the visual beauty of the world around me. Whenever I see a beautiful flower or a bird in my garden, I catch her in my memory through the lens of my camera. Traveling is my other passion. Whenever I have an opportunity to visit a new place, whether a village, city, mountain or seaside, I never miss it. It is so thrilling to see a new place and meet different kind of people. Whenever I travel round a new place, I take my camera and shot interesting pictures of people, building, monuments, bazaar etc. It gives me immense satisfaction and pleasure. Though these hobbies are expensive, I love them.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Niche vs Multipurpose Themes - Which One Is Best for Your Project

Sidebars, widgets, themes, plugins, categories, tags, permalinks   seeing all these terms can cause a headache if youre a beginner. Sure, these terms sound cool, their meanings are obvious to  developers, and it seems that WordPress wouldnt have the same exponential expansion without those.  (I dare to say that even Big Bang is a little bit jealous about  WordPress expansion.)This is a guest contribution by Daniel Pintilie.Anyway, another two terms that might cause some head scratching are, niche and multipurpose when talking about WordPress themes.What are those?In this post, I  will clarify this, and also try answering the question of which is best for your project, a niche or a multipurpose theme? Its useless to mention how important a theme for the overall success of a website is. And since we did publish a post about how to install plugins and  how to choose a proper host,  it therefore makes sense to provide you with some valuable tips for selecting the right them e too.Niche WordPress themesThe barrier between niche and multipurpose themes isnt set in stone, and there arent criteria to make a clear distinction between niche and multipurpose ones.That being said, a niche theme is aimed to be used for a specific field there are niche themes for churches, charity projects, schools, DJs, events, etc. These themes ship with features that are useful mostly for their respective kind of project. Wrapping up, a niche theme should be used mostly if not only   for a specific purpose. Nothing more, nothing less.For instance, just looking into ThemeIsles library,  LawyeriaX is a theme  destined for attorneys, while Woga  is meant for yoga instructors and gyms. Both themes come packed with features, but I dont recommend using them for other purposes then the ones recommended by the developers (although it is only my personal opinion).Then, there are some slightly bigger themes that can still be labeled  niche, but actually offer a more extensi ve set of characteristics:FlyMag Pro is a great example in this regard; its primary market  is magazine and news-like sites. Still, it can  be successfully used for other blogging purposes too.  I like  to call these kinds of themes multi-niche.Multipurpose WordPress themesThe name is quite self-explanatory in itself. These themes can fit any kind of project: blogs, magazine news, portfolios, business projects, online shops, etc.Zelle Pro is a multipurpose theme of ThemeIsles that has made its mark on the web, and is now valued by thousands of users.Another example,  Divi is the Elegant Themes flagship theme, and its one of the most used WordPress themes out there. Lastly,  Avada, another multipurpose theme, has been trusted  by almost 250,000 customers so far.Under the hood,  these themes dont miss any particular feature; you have at your disposal everything to create a wonderful WordPress website! Without any doubt, these multipurpose themes are some of the most ad vanced tools allowing you to create websites without writing a line of code.Which is better? Niche or multipurpose WordPress themesI hope that you have a better understanding of what the differences between  niche and multipurpose themes are. Now lets look into which is going to be better for your specific project:First off, I hate answers that begin with it depends on, but in this case, the context and the purpose of the website has a major role. Youve guessed it, I dont have a general solution for this dilemma! However, there are some tips for choosing the proper theme depending on some criteria:1. The type and the complexity of the websiteSelecting a niche or a multipurpose theme hinges on the type and the complexity of the project. If you want to develop a huge website with lots of options then you should go for a multipurpose theme.On the other hand, if you want a decent website just to let people know that you and your business are online then a simple niche theme can be bet ter (if theres one for your particular niche).For instance, if you want to launch a web design blog, you should go for a multipurpose theme. With time, you might want to add sections to present your best works and/or to sell courses, works, or various  kinds of services. In other words, your blog may transform into a portfolio or an online store.2. The user skillsAnother thing to look at is your own level of confidence when customizing a theme and making it work.If you find yourself more on the beginner side of the spectrum then a niche theme is going to be better for you. They are usually much easier to get going, and dont offer too many unneeded options.For slightly more experienced users, multipurpose might be better.  Some of those themes are more complex, and might put some users in trouble. But all of them come with reliable support, and the WordPress community is truly helpful.3. The time invested into the pre-launch phaseAnother important factor to take into account in t he dilemma of niche vs. multipurpose is the investment itself.Setting up a WordPress website is a serious task, and it calls for a decent investment of time. Even the most experienced WordPress users spend time to check all the features of a theme before launching it online.Usually, a niche theme comes with fewer options, and it implies a shorter period of time invested in the customization work. On the average, niche themes also have fewer sales than multipurpose themes, so the risk of looking similar to other websites is pretty low.A multipurpose theme requires more work to set it up, as there are more features. Also, the risk of looking similar to other websites is higher than in the case of niche themes.At the end of the day, though, the countless features give you the ability to create stunning creations.Wrapping up, you should have a clear plan when launching a new website. And once all the steps of this plan are correctly done, you will have your answer you will know whether you should go with a niche theme or a multipurpose one.My personal advice: read this blog post carefully, take all the tips into account, and think hard on what kind of website you want to launch, what your resources are, time, etc. Once you have all these clearly determined, read it even once again. Then decide.What do you think, are niche themes better? Or not?About the author: Daniel Pintilie is a blogger Internet marketer ready to create valuable, actionable and interesting content for your website. He is in love with WordPress and Internet Marketing. You can get in touch with him by visiting his portfolio guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips. * This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and then purchase the product, well receive a small fee. No worries though, youll still pay the standard amount so theres no cost on your part.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Benefits of Community Service For You

Benefits of Community Service For You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, high school is a great time to try things that you haven’t done before – including volunteering. Students may think it’s not worth their time to get involved in the community because it doesn’t pay like a normal job would. However, there are several benefits that volunteering can give you that no other job can. Read on to find out about all the benefits of community service for you, your personal fulfillment, and practical purposes like college applications! What Is Community Service? Community service is when you work for free to help benefit the public or your community. Usually, students who choose to do community service do so as volunteers, meaning that they choose to help out because they want to do so. Community service can have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping them to develop skills, making contacts, and allowing them to improve the quality of life of others. You probably know some students in your school who choose to volunteer their free time through community service. There are many ways that you can do this, such as joining a non-profit organization, working with a church group, or you can choose a cause and create your own service project. For some ideas of community service activities, see our list of volunteer ideas. Volunteer work can range from the relatively simple, like helping coach the lacrosse team at your old junior high, to the much more complex, like starting a non-profit that helps settle new refugees in your area. As I’m sure you can imagine, there are a lot of benefits to doing volunteer work. They include†¦ School Benefits You may be familiar with community service already because it is something that your school requires. In fact, many high schools throughout the United States require their students to help out the community in some way in order to graduate. Though it’s often on the honor system to report what you've done, these high schools may require up to 200 hours of community service before they're willing to grant a degree. This type of requirement can be especially common at religious schools, and in particular at Christian schools. Many Christian schools set requirements based on the Biblical idea that it is the Christian’s duty to do community outreach with whatever â€Å"gift† they have been given by God. Because of this, many of these Christian schools will have branches of Christian non-profits, such as the Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity, on campus or affiliated with the school, which make it much easier for students to donate their time. Many other schools require service learning. This term describes an approach to education that aims to connect lessons learned in the classroom with real-life lessons learned through community service. It is a practice that has become increasingly common in both high schools and universities in the United States, because educators like that the learning process benefits both the students and the communities. It allows students to learn more about their personal motivations, practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing, develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems, and to think about problems and social issues in new ways. This kind of experiential learning, or applying what you have learned in the classroom to the real world, has a lot of positive benefits for students apart from meeting a requirement to graduate. These include a better understanding of the value of teamwork, decision-making skills, development of leadership abilities, and the gain of practical skills. For example, let’s imagine that as part of your school-required community service or service learning, you've decided to use the writing skills you developed in AP English to volunteer at a local non-profit that raises awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. As a strong writer, you may start out writing press releases for the charity. Immediately you would be developing a new skill: the ability to write for a targeted, non-academic audience. Working with a team, you would gain a better understanding of the importance of sharing information in a usableway. You might eventually expand your duties into other areas, such as managing the organization’s social media accounts, which would further develop your writing skills. Additionally, you would be gaining a new perspective on your community and on what life is like for a group of people that is often overlooked: the terminally ill. This could change how you see the world and your role in it. In fact, many students report that this kind of personal development is the most valuable part of a service learning projects. Personal Development Benefits One of the big ways that students will benefit from volunteer work is through personal development. This happens in a number of ways. First of all, many students learn about their personal strengths and weaknesses. When you're working on campaigns and projects and getting to see real-life results, you'll get to know how your personal attributes and actions can make a difference. Many of these qualities are things that students can’t get good feedback on in the classroom. For example, students may learn that they have excellent skills in coping with a crisis or other stressful situations, or may learn that they find taking charge of a team to be a struggle. This kind of exposure to different situations can then teach students how to further develop skills that they have, and how to work on areas they struggle in. In particular, students find that they are able to develop skills in leadership, communication, working well with a team, and finding solutions for problems. Many students also find that community service makes them more aware of and interested in issues of social justice. For example, if you spend your days going to school, playing sports, and doing homework, you will likely not spend a lot of time thinking about the problems that homeless people encounter. On the other hand, if you're working every day at a homeless shelter, you'll have a chance to dispel stereotypes about why people become homeless while also learning about the unique challenges that homeless people face in getting off the streets. Many homeless people face prejudice that makes returning to work and earning a self-supporting living more difficult than it is for non-homeless people. Once people learn more about struggles and injustices that other groups of people face, they are statistically more likely to want to actively take part in making a change in the policies and social structures that keep certain groups from succeeding. This change can take many forms, such as active campaigning, voting in elections, and continuing to volunteer time to important causes. Volunteering has also been shown to have one other, more tangible major personal benefit. Did you know that it’s actually good for your health? Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Health Benefits Numerous studies over the past several years have shown that volunteering isn’t just good for your mind and conscience; it’s also good for your body. By focusing on others’ problems instead of their own, students have reported reduced stress, and overall improvement in mood and health. Researchers at the London School of Economics and Political Science found a link between self-reported levels of good health and happiness and formal volunteer work. Furthermore, a study by United Health Group says that 76% of people who have volunteered in the past twelve months say that volunteering has made them feel happier, and 94% of people report that it improves their mood. 78% of volunteers say that it has lowered their stress levels. Volunteering can also help protect people from depression during challenging times, as it tends to help create a strong support system for participants. Volunteering also keeps people physically healthy by keeping them active. Certain activities, such as working to clean up a park or a beach, can be good exercise. Studies have shown that especially as people get older, volunteering in these kinds of projects can keep people healthy and can even lessen the symptoms of certain diseases. Of course, not all the benefits of volunteering are limited to the volunteer. Another big way that people benefit is in their involvement with their community. Community Benefits Volunteering allows students to become directly involved in their communities. Some students don’t realize how important volunteers are to the country and to many organizations. But try to imagine if no volunteers showed up to work tomorrow. Can you imagine what would change? Volunteers are responsible for many things that we take for granted. When hurricanes hit the south coast or wildfires burn up California, volunteers are critical in helping victims get re-settled, fed, and back to their â€Å"normal† lives as quickly as possible. Without volunteers, many of our country’s elderly would not be able to get food. Our parks and beaches would be much dirtier. Our children would struggle more without the help of volunteer tutors and mentors. To get a real idea of how important volunteers are to keeping the country running, let’s look at the numbers. The Corporation for National and Community Service says that in 2013, 62.6 million Americans volunteered 7.7 billion hours of work. The estimated value of this work is almost $173 billion. That’s almost as much as the GDP of Ukraine – just in volunteer hours! The top activities performed included raising money for important causes; collecting, preparing, and giving out food to people who need it; providing labor and transportation; tutoring and mentoring youth; and lending professional expertise. Furthermore, volunteers are almost twice as likely to donate to charities as non-volunteers. In all, just over 50% of Americans donated over $25 to charities in 2013, making at least $4 billion in donations. The knowledge that they are making a real differencealso affects student volunteers on a more personal level. When students know their work is helping someone, they show increased rates of self-esteem. Furthermore, students who volunteer are more likely to become actively involved citizens who take a strong interest in current events and local affairs, and are much more likely to vote. Apart from helping out your community here and now, you’ll also be helping out your future self. College Benefits Have you ever wondered if volunteering makes a big difference in college admissions? The truth is that it’s one of the most popular extracurricular activities that students list on their college applications. And while colleges don’t necessarily expect students to have spent all their free time volunteering, schools (especially the more competitive ones) will usually notice a total lack of community service. Colleges like seeing that students have done community service. Keep in mind that most universities want to admit students who are actively involved in activities that better themselves, and eventually, will better the world. Students who have been actively involved in community service in high school show colleges that they will be the type of student who will be actively involved in making the college community a better place to be. Eventually, that they will be the kind of people who care about changing the world. On a more practical level, the personal benefits and development that you will get from volunteering canbe great topic matter for a college application essay. The people you work with on community service projects will be good people to turn to when the time comes for letters of recommendation. They’ll be able to speak to your leadership abilities, passion, and character. Finally, doing this kind of work shows prospective schools that you can balance activities with your schoolwork and that you have good time management. Did you know that your volunteer work can also be helpful in paying for college? See our list of community service scholarships to see how you can make volunteering work for you financially. The good news doesn’t end there, though. The benefits of volunteering will follow you out of school and into the workplace, as well. Professional Benefits Did you know that employers love volunteers? TimeBank, a UK-based volunteering charity, and Reed, a recruitment company, partnered to create a study on how employers think about volunteer work. The results were very positive for those who have chosen to donate their time: 84% of employers agreed that volunteering is a good way for people to find work. 70% of employers said that volunteers have a better chance of getting a higher salary and a promotion. 80% of employers said that they like to see volunteer work on a resume. 23% of employers said that volunteering had helped their staff learn key skills, such as time management, communication skills, and leadership skills. The study also showed that half of the employees surveyed thought that their volunteer experience had helped them land their job, and up to 20% of employees thought that their volunteer experience helped them gain key skills in communication, leadership, and time management that were important to their jobs. As you can see, there are a lot of ways that your community service work will help you down the road once you start work, beginning with what you choose to do. Volunteering is a great way to explore different interests. High school students who do community service can try different kinds of work and work environments that they otherwise would likely not be exposed to at such a young age. Most paying jobs that high school students are eligible for – such as working in fast food - are not the most interesting. But volunteering can give you a chance to try things that you will be interested in as a career, such as working in social media, organizing events, or working in a specific type of institution such as a hospital. The experiences that you gain will also look great on your resume. Future employers will likely be much more interested in hearing about a fundraiser that you ran than they will be in hearing about your burger flipping skills. Why? A lot of the personal development benefits discussed above, such as leadership skills and the ability to collaborate with a team, are things that translate well to many jobs and workplaces. Networking is another major benefit of volunteering. As a volunteer, you will be very likely to meet like-minded individuals who share your interests. In the future, these people can be important contacts for writing letters of recommendation and for putting you in touch with the right people for scholarships and jobs. Now that you know that community service is an extracurricular that will help you out in your personal life, as well as in high school, college, and your professional life, what are you waiting for? How to Get Started If you’ve decided you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some Do’s and Don’ts to get you started in your volunteer career. Do try to find the right opportunity for you. It’s important to find something that you are going to enjoy and that you are capable of doing well. Ask yourself what kind of people you like working with (kids? people your own age?), whether you work better alone or as part of a team, how much time you have to commit and how much responsibility you can take on, and what special skills you have that you can contribute. Don’t volunteer abroad just because you think it looks better. Especially for college applications, admissions officers prefer to see a local long-term volunteer commitment than something that has only lasted a week or two during a summer break. Some volunteer abroad programs can also cause more trouble than good to local people. Do try to find a cause that you are passionate about. If you have always had an affinity for animals, try working at a shelter or a charity working on animal rights. If you have always valued education, try tutoring or an education charity. The more you care about the cause, the more dedicated you will be to continue working for it over a long period of time. Don’t be afraid of making a change. Ask questions when something doesn’t seem right. If you end up doing work that doesn’t seem like a good fit, is causing excessive stress, or if the experience isn’t allowing you to do the things you thought you would be working on, it’s ok to leave to find something else. Do enjoy yourself! The more you are having fun with volunteering, the more it will be a positive experience both for you and the organization you are working with. What’s Next? Now that you know the benefits, check out the 9 best places to do community service. If you need money for college, volunteering may be the answer. Check out our list of volunteer scholarships. Want to use your community service for your college applications? Check out how to write a good community service essay and how to get a community service letter. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Say and Write I in Chinese

How to Say and Write I in Chinese The Chinese symbol for I or me is 我 (wÇ’). Easily remember how to write 我 by understanding the Chinese characters radicals and interesting etymology. Me Versus I While the English language has separate terms that differentiate between me and I, Chinese is simpler. One character, 我, represents both me and I in the Chinese language.   For example,  Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã© ¥ ¿Ã¤ ºâ€  (wÇ’ à ¨ le) means I am hungry. On the other hand,  Ã§ »â„¢Ã¦Ë†â€˜ (gÄ›i wÇ’) translates to give me. Radical The Chinese character  Ã¦Ë†â€˜ (wÇ’) is composed of 手 (shÇ’u), which means hand, and 戈 (gÄ“), which is a dagger-like tool.  In this case, 手 is used here in the form of æ‰Å', the hand radical.  Thus,  Ã¦Ë†â€˜ appears as a hand holding a little spear.   Pronunciation 我 (wÇ’) is pronounced using the third tone. This tone has a falling-rising quality. Character Evolution An early form of 我 showed two spears crossing. This symbol evolved into its present form over time. Depicting a hand holding a spear, the Chinese character for I is a  symbol of ego assertion and therefore an appropriate representation of â€Å"I or me.† Mandarin Vocabulary With WÇ’ Here are five examples of common Chinese phrases that incorporate the character,  Ã¦Ë†â€˜: 我們 traditional / 我ä » ¬ simplified (wÇ’ men) - We; us; ourselves 我è‡ ªÃ¥ · ± (wÇ’ zà ¬ jÇ ) - Myself 我的 (wÇ’ de) - Mine 我明ç™ ½ ( wÇ’ mà ­ngbi) - I understand 我ä ¹Å¸Ã¦Ëœ ¯ (wÇ’ yÄ›shà ¬) - Me too

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mergers And Acquisitions Within The Aviation Sector Dissertation

Mergers And Acquisitions Within The Aviation Sector - Dissertation Example Using a case study approach, the study recruited human participants with direct managerial experience at Air France-KLM and found that human capital advantages were the primary advantages achieved by this merged firm. Followed in order of priority were revenue growth, improved customer loyalties, the ability to utilize price discrimination strategies and superior competitive power. The findings uncovered no detriments of the merger and concluded that Air France-KLM sought the proper strategic direction when deciding to merge both companies. A merger encompasses the blending of two different companies that operate under a single umbrella identity. Merged organizations perform trade of their business operations under a singular name and share both profits and potential losses that originate from the newly merged business. It has been recognized that the aviation sector is one of the most fundamental supports of businesses throughout the world (Bell 2010) Approximately half of all global businesses utilize the aviation industry for travel and for transport services. As a result, companies in this sector put much time and effort into perfecting their business operations by consolidating advantages through processes such as acquisitions and mergers. In most industries, the majority of mergers fail. Porter (1987) offers that most mergers and acquisitions lead to failure as a result of poor performance and inability to establish strategies that productively sustain the new business model formed by the blending of two companies. However, many corporate Board members and top-level executives seek mergers as a means to improve their business. Mergers are expected to produce synergies and provide greater financial benefits since the consolidation of two different businesses will theoretically improve business efficiencies and enhance competitiveness in an  established competitive market.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Economic Impact of Casino Gambling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Economic Impact of Casino Gambling - Essay Example Person 1 says that casino gambling is licensed, monitored and controlled by the local government or state. As a result, earnings made by casino operators are taxed, over and above payments made for license fees. The local government or the state further uses the tax revenue to run public projects that are healthy for economic growth and development. Fiscal and social costs are the second impact that was highlighted by Person 2. He linked casino gambling to the realization of externalities in the society. While there are positive externalities that relate to gaming and entertainment, Person 2 pointed out a number of social costs in relation to casino gambling. These are: crime, business and employment costs such as lost time on the job, bankruptcy, suicide, illness, direct regulatory costs, family costs such as child neglect and abuse, and abused dollars (Walker, 2010). Person 3 considered the extent to which casino gambling complements other sectors in the economy. Many casino gambling points attract locals and foreigners, many of whom are domestic and international tourists. Casino activities therefore boost tourism, and further extend the underlying benefits to sectors that deal with manufactured products, transport and communication among others. In other words, casino gambling encompasses more than just gaming and entertainment. Person 4 evaluated the effect of casino gambling on state lotteries. The main argument in this point is that gambling is harmful to state lottery. Local governments and states raise significant revenues from lotteries. However, the casino gambling effect on lotteries is negative. Due to low participant activity as compared to casinos, many lottery players are turning to casino gambling. Casinos are also characterized by rapid money exchange, a scenario that exacerbates the need to play. Revenue generation from lotteries therefore decrease as casino gambling increase. Diversity in local government or

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Theories Of Leadership Essay Example for Free

Theories Of Leadership Essay Introduction Managers and leaders in any organization are expected to influence the actions of their employees through several channels. Some of these include communicating with staff members, stimulating subordinates to work hard and ensuring that all the resources within the company are allocated well. These expectations can either be met successfully or unsuccessfully. Numerous researchers felt the need to come up with theories that govern successful leadership. One of these theories is known as the contingency theory. An analysis of the contingency theory Fielder (1964) came up with this approach to leadership after realizing that leaders could function well if they changed their styles to suit the situation at hand. This is where the name contingency originates. Fielder conducted several studies of effective and ineffective leaders. Thereafter he concluded that the most successful approach would be to match organizational settings with leadership styles. These two parameters form the basis of the contingency theory of leadership. According to Fiedler, leadership style may be defined as the way leaders and employees interact with one another. One cannot claim that a manager’s leadership style changes from time to time. On the contrary, this is a fixed parameter since every leader has a different personality. The latter term largely affects the nature of the leadership style. Since this trait is important, Fielder came up with a method for categorizing leadership styles. He used the Least Preferred Coworker Scale (LPC). The Scale is applied only to leaders; the latter are asked to rate the person they feel has worked very poorly with them. The scale starts from one to eight and may be a classification of a co-worker from the past or the present depending on which worker was the worst. Examples of personality traits that guide the scaling process include; Unfriendly versus friendly workers Hostile versus supportive Guarded versus open Uncooperative versus cooperative (Fiedler, 1964) All the latter traits are in ascending order with number 1 representing the character trait on the left while number 8 represents the character trait on the right. The LPC   scale’s main purpose is to determine whether a particular form of leadership style is task oriented or people oriented. Leaders who score high marks in the scale favor interpersonal relationships. Consequently, those leaders who rate their co-workers in a negative light may be more interested in the task at hand. This also implies that such leaders have poor interpersonal relationships. However, critics have asserted that such traits may not necessarily be accurate. Some individuals may portray their co-workers in a negative light but still be keen on interpersonal relationships. Fielder (1964) felt that those leaders who managed to match the requirements of the task with a dominant personality trait tended to be more successful.   Dominant personality traits largely determine the approach chosen by leaders i.e. either people oriented or task oriented approach. The LPC scale indicates whether or not a certain individual values interpersonal relationships. In case leaders score highly, then they normally consider interpersonal relationships as a crucial part of implementing tasks. However, those who score low marks in the scale value task completion more than anything else does. Consequently, most of them may not bother creating close relationships with their employees. Fielder (1964) was also concerned with the organizational environment or what is also called the situational variable. According to him, the situational variable can be defined as that aspect within the organization that can allow leaders to exert influence within their team. He divided the situational variables as follows; -Task structure -Position power -Leader to member relationships The leader-member structure is defined as the level of acceptance team players have towards their leader. Task structures may be defined as the level of job specificity among subordinates. Lastly, position power is described as the level of authority attributed to a leader as result of his position within the organization. (Fiedler, 1964) In the Leader-member situation, a leader would be more successful if he establishes strong links between himself and the other people within the organization; this is through trusting and respecting members of his organization. Additionally, successful leaders in the task structure situation are those ones that specify job detail well. Powerful leaders in the position power situation are those ones that exercise their right to fire and hire or to reward individuals within the organization. All the latter three situations create eight leadership styles. These are then divided into two important groups known as the relationship or task oriented leaders. Five of the leadership styles fall under the latter category. Fielder (1964) felt that task oriented approach were more appropriate in disasters or extreme situations. In cases where a fire strikes an organization, then leaders would be more efficient if they applied the task oriented approach. At this time, the issue of position power is not very relevant and neither are the relationships of the co-workers. In extreme cases or in disasters, the individuals who direct tasks most efficiently become the leaders. The opposite is true for leaders who try applying a people oriented approach. This would mean considering what people think and this would eventually delay outcomes. Such cases require only the fastest responses for survival. Task oriented relationships are also important in blue collar jobs. This is because such workers normally require direction and job specificity. Therefore, this leadership approach would be most appropriate. On the other hand, such scenarios may still be characterized by strong leader member relationships. The latter situation can be effected when leaders reward worker well for their efforts. Relationship oriented leadership styles may be more favorable in situations where the organizational environment is highly predictable. Some of the most appropriate environments include research institutes. In such circumstances, subordinates would not like it if their leaders interfered with the nature of their task. Here, it would be more appropriate to work on building relationships with subordinates. It should be noted that Fielder’s theory does not cover all the possible factors affecting leadership. Some leaders may be more effective if they undergo training or gain experience on the job. Such factors have not been accounted for by the contingency theory. Conclusion Overly, Fielder was trying to say that leaders are not just successful or unsuccessful. Leaders can either be effective in certain situations and not all of them. Therefore, all individuals can become leaders if they choose the most appropriate situation to apply their leadership styles. Additionally, it is possible to make a leader more effective by altering the following; position power, task structure and leader member relationships. It should also be noted that Fielder’s scale can be quite appropriate in determining leadership styles. Reference: Fiedler, E. (1964): A Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness; Journal for Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Academic Press 1, 12, 149-190

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Planned Change Essay -- Organizational Development, Change

Planning according to the class notes (Dr. Smith, Module 5) and Stojkovic et al (2008) is a general application of the notion of planned change. Planned change is made up of a number of behaviors intended to alter individuals, groups, and organization structure and practice (Stojkovic et al, 2008). Although there are several elements of a planned change four of them include innovation and accepting problems, overcoming organizational decision making routines, looking to the future, and continues commitment. First planned change mandates improvement and acknowledges troubles as prospects to pursue real development in an agency’s performance. However, Warren (1997) points out that planned change is not an inactive reaction to organizational climate stress or minimal attempt to decrease organizational strains (Stojovic et al, 2008). Nevertheless, this type of effort is what is usually seen throughout criminal justice agencies. For example, correction facilities are well known for changing titles like guards to corrections officers, convicts to inmates and so on (Stojkovic et al, 2008). To avoid this passive type of change there needs to be a more proactive change implemented in the agency. For example, several law enforcement agencies have put into practice a program called Compstat that requires command staff to study patterns of crime, set calculable objectives to decrease crime, and build up plans to decrease crime in the studied areas (Stojkovic et al, 2008). The second element is overcoming organizational decision making routines. These routines for example, include the garbage can solution which states that individuals in an organization have â€Å"favorite solutions† already preconceived that are waiting for problems to... ...ats for the officers. Thus, if the officer feels he/she will be blamed for any mistakes they will tend to shift most of the responsibility to their superior making them adhere to old policy and practices (Stojkovic et al, 2008). Moreover, if there is not a good line of communication and decision making is centralized, members will be less reluctant to participate in the change process. This will not be healthy for the organization because there will not be a healthy feedback from the members regarding the efficiency of the new program. This could eventually be the demise of the new program. As one can see it is hard to create an organizational climate that is productive and open to change, and more so if there is conflict within the organization. For this reason each step should be thought about and planned for in dealing with the organizations climate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tjs Product Mix

Summary of the Problem: TJ’s, Inc. , makes three nut mixes for sale to grocery chains located in the Southeast. The three mixes, referred as the Regular Mix, Deluxe Mix, Holiday Mix. Now TJ’s is committed to using the available nuts to maximize profit of the fall seasons, and they must satisfy the received orders. Problem Solving Approach: This problem was solved using Excel Solver LP Programming. The decision variables are pounds of each type of Mix. The objective function was a formula of profit contribution for each Mix.The constraints are the nuts purchased the following shipment and the orders that need to be satisfied. The following summarizes the variables and coefficients of the mathematical model: Variable or CoefficientUnit of MeasureDescription RPoundsPounds of Regular Mix DPoundsPounds of Deluxe Mix HPoundsPounds of Holiday Mix DescriptionRegularDeluxe HolidayShipment amountCost per shipment Orders (Pounds)1000030005000 Almond Consist percentage0. 15 0. 20 0 . 25 60007500 Brazil Consist percentage0. 5 0. 20 0. 15 75007125 Filbert Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 15 75006750 Pecan Consist percentage0. 10 0. 20 0. 25 60007200 Walnut Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 20 75007875 Profit (Dollars) ( Not include cost of nuts) 1. 6522. 25 The following is the mathematical formulation of the problem: Maximize1. 65R+2D+2. 25HObjective function Subject to: 0. 15R+0. 2D+0. 25H= 10000 Deluxe 10625>= 3000 Holiday5000>= 5000 Constrains2Nuts Used Available Almond6000

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hammurabi’s Code

Danielle Raskin December 20, 2012 â€Å"If a man strikes the slave girl of a free man and causes her to lose the fruit of her womb, he shall pay two shekels of silver. † A non slave would be paid ten shekels of silver. Isn’t that unfair? Hammurabi was the king of Babylonia in the 18th century B. C. E. He is very important. He wrote one of the world’s oldest sets of laws, which now is studied by many people.I feel Hammurabi’s code is unjust because of its Property laws, Family laws, and Personal-Injury laws. I think the family laws in Hammurabi’s code are unjust. Law 148 states that, â€Å"If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the wife whom the disease has seized. She shall dwell in the house they have built together, and he shall maintain her as long as she lives. I think this law is unfair because a man shouldn’t leave his wife to die an d also marry another woman while the other is dying. I think the property laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. I find law 21 striking and unfair. â€Å"If a man has broken through the wall (to rob) a house, they shall put him to death and pierce him, or hang him in the hole in the wall which he has made. † I don’t agree with this law for two reasons. First, this punishment is way too harsh.If someone robs a house now, they wouldn’t be put to death; they would just be put in jail. My final reason is that I don’t think that the robber should be killed in the house that he robbed. I wouldn’t want anyone being hung or pierced in my house. I think the personal-injury laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. Law 218 states, â€Å"If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on a free man for a serious injury, and has caused his death,†¦ his hands shall be cut off. † This law doesn’t seem right.If a surgeon has operated and the person operated dies, I don’t think the surgeons hands should get cut off. Instead, the surgeon can be forced to take a break as a surgeon until he is ready to come back. In conclusion, most of Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From cutting people’s hands off to hanging and piercing them, these laws are very harsh. Hammurabi was a very strict ruler. I think Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From the laws I have mentioned, what do you think? Is Hammurabi’s Code just or unjust?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Job Reference Sample A Professors Recommendation

Job Reference Sample A Professor's Recommendation SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you'rea college professor, you'll probably write a bunch of recommendation letters for graduate programs and even jobs. In the following sample, an English professor provides a reference letter for a former student applying to teach English in South Korea. While this professor hasn't seenhis student in a teaching role, he can attest to his English language skills and passion for immersing himself in new cultures. Read on for the sample reference letter and an analysis of whatit does well. Sample Letter #8: Written by a Professor for a Former Student Dr. Wiihye KimSchool DirectorEnglish International School48 Daecheon-ro 67beon-gil, Haeundae-guBusan, South Korea Dear Dr. Kim, It’s my great pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for Jerry as he pursues an English as a Foreign Language teaching position with English International School in South Korea. As a professor of English literature at XYZ University, I taught Jerry in two classes and served as his thesis advisor senior year. Jerry impressed me with his intellectual curiosity, passion for global cultures, and adventurous spirit. Given his background in English and experience living abroad, I’m confident that he would make an excellent addition to your school. I taught Jerry his sophomore and senior year in Masterpieces of World Literature and Fictions of Science, Technology, and Society. I also worked closely with him on his senior thesis, an exploration of Jewish literature in Argentina that earned him the distinction of summa cum laude. He’s a talented writer who gives insightful commentary in essays and class discussions. I know that Jerry has the verbal skills and depth of thought to be an engaging teacher. Jerry’s passionate about connecting with people across cultures, whether that means exploring new ideas through world literature or volunteering as an ESL tutor at local elementary schools. I recall oneinsightful paper Jerry wrote for which he interviewed international students abouttheir perspectives on select classics. His passion for cross-cultural exchangeshone through his words. As an English teacher in South Korea, Jerry will foster a similar global outlook among his students. Beyond his studies and volunteer work with ESL students, Jerry broadened his horizons with a semester studying abroad and living with a host family in Buenos Aires. Hespoke highly of his host family, telling me about their nightly dinners and conversations in Spanish. He's even visiting them again thissummer to attend hishost "sister's"fiesta de quince. Jerry loves to meet new people and travel not merely as a tourist, but as an engaged participant. This teaching position in South Korea would allow him to continue doing just that. Jerry has my wholehearted and unequivocal support in his search for an English teaching position in South Korea. He’s hard-working, thoughtful, charismatic, and open-minded, and he has a clear commitment to cross-cultural communication. I have no doubt that Jerry will make an outstanding English teacher, and I share his excitement over this next venture. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any more information. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Dr. Willa SmithProfessor of Comparative LiteratureXYZ Universitywsmith@xyzuniversity.com555-555-5555 How does Professor Smith show that Jerry's ready to live and work in South Korea? Sample Recommendation Letter: The Breakdown Many graduates applying to jobs right after college don’t have a lot of past employers to ask for a recommendation. Instead, they might ask a professor to provide a letter of support, especially if the professor taught them in a subject related to the prospective position. In this case, an English (literature) professor can provide a strong reference for a recent graduate seeking an English (language) teaching position. Professor Smith states her support for Jerry as he applies to an English teaching position in South Korea. She talks about his achievements as an English major and emphasizes his particular interest in world literature and globalization. She further characterizes him as someone committed to learning about other cultures by mentioning his volunteer work as an ESL tutor and experience studying abroad and living in a home stay. All of these experiences speak to Jerry’s potential for success as an English teacher living abroad. Jerry’s professor hasn’t supervised him as an English language teacher, but she can attest to his intellectual and personal strengths and how they would make him well-suited to this work. Her perspective is a valuable one, as she’s worked closely with him during two classes and throughout his senior year. Professor Smith gives specific examples of Jerry’s English skills and commitment to global citizenship to support her claim that he would make an outstanding ESL teacher. Overall, her letter paints a picture of Jerry and stands as a strong vote of support for his job application. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today: What's Next? What's the difference between a recommendation letter and a character reference? Check out this sample character reference to find out! Want to read more free samples of recommendation letters? Check out this full guide with nine reference letter samples and tips on how to make yours stand out.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What to Do When Youre Accepted to Grad School

What to Do When You're Accepted to Grad School You eagerly rip open the envelope: ACCEPTED! Success! Youve worked long and hard to obtain a range of necessary experiences, including a high GPA, research and practical experiences, and good relationships with faculty. You successfully navigated the application process, which is no easy feat. Regardless, many applicants feel both elated and puzzled after receiving word of their acceptance to graduate school. Elation is obvious but confusion is also common, as students wonder about their next steps. So what should you do after learning that you are accepted to graduate school? Get Excited First, take the time to enjoy this fantastic moment. Experience excitement and emotions as you see fit. Some students cry, others laugh, some jump up and down, and others dance. After spending the last year or more focused on the future, enjoy the moment. Happiness is a normal and expected response to being accepted and choosing a graduate program. However many students are surprised that they also feel antsy and even a little sad. Unsettling feelings are common and are usually an expression of emotional exhaustion after the stress of waiting for an extended period of time. Survey the Terrain Get your bearings. How many applications did you submit? Is this your first acceptance letter? It may be tempting to accept an offer immediately but if you have applied to other graduate programs, wait. Even if you are not waiting to hear about other applications, do not immediately accept the offer. Carefully consider the offer and the program before accepting or declining an offer of admission. Never Hold on Two or More Offers If you are fortunate, this admissions offer is not your first. Some applicants prefer to hold on to all admissions offers and make a decision once they have heard from all graduate programs. I advise against holding onto multiple offers for at least two reasons. First, choosing among graduate programs is challenging. Deciding among three or more offers of admission, considering all of the pros and cons, is overwhelming and can impair decision-making. Second, and more importantly, holding onto an offer of admission that you do not intend to accept prevents wait-listed applicants from gaining admission. Clarify Details As you consider offers, examine the specifics. Are you going for a masters or doctorate? Have you been offered financial aid? A teaching position or research assistantship? Do you have enough financial aid, loans, and cash to afford graduate study? If you have two offers, one with aid and one without, you might explain this to your contact in admissions and hope for a better offer. At any rate, be sure you know what you are accepting (or declining). Make a Decision In many cases, decision-making entails choosing among two graduate programs. What factors do you consider? Consider funding, academics, reputation, and your gut intuition. Also consider your personal life, your own desires, and your quality of life. Dont just look within. Talk to other people. Close friends and family know you well and can offer a fresh perspective. Professors can discuss the decision from an academic and career development perspective. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Weigh the pros and cons. Once you have reached a decision, dont look back. Graduate Programs Once you have made a decision, do not hesitate to inform graduate programs. This is especially true of the program whose offer you are declining. Once they receive word that you are declining their offer of admission, they are free to inform applicants on the wait list of their admittance. How do you accept and decline offers? Email is an entirely appropriate means of communicating your decision. If you accept and decline offers of admission by email, remember to be professional. Use proper forms of address and a polite, formal writing style thanking the admissions committee. Then either accept or decline the offer of admission. Celebrate Now that the work of evaluating, decision making, and informing graduate programs is done, celebrate. The waiting period is done. The difficult decisions are over. You know what you will be doing next year. Enjoy your success.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why is it important for Human Resource management to transform from Research Paper

Why is it important for Human Resource management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to becoming more of a strategic partner - Research Paper Example Hence, many organizations strive to incorporate business strategy into HRM thereby giving it a strategic importance and perspective, especially from industrial relations and organizational behavior facets. This study focuses on understanding the evolution of HR function from basic administrative aspect to strategic integration as explained in literature and based on a specific organization’s adoption and contribution of strategic HRM before concluding with key findings. Personnel management has moved from mere care-taking function to strategic partner during last few decades, although this trend started post World War II according to the CIPD factsheet (2014). Throughout literature, the most probable triggering factor to this transformation has been associated with Hawthorne’s experiments leading to a new perspective of understanding related to human relations, which were reinforced by various other studies as shown in Table 2.1 (Armstrong, 2012). Strategic integration of HR function has been the next step that intensified its role in helping organizations gain a competitive advantage (Ulrich, 1997). Ulrich (1997) highlighted the key roles and responsibilities of HR department thereby underpinning HR department’s role in managing human resources, company infrastructure, and managing change and transformation as well as managing performance of employees and thereby the organization (pls see fig 2.2). Specifically, Ulrich (1997) has ide ntified that the HRM function in most of the successful organizations transformed from administrative function to more complex activities such as, strategic partner, employee advocate, change agent and administrative expert. Noe et al., (2007) point out many factors that could have triggered this transformation of HRM to strategic role such as challenges of sustainability and competition, changing expectations of customers, changes in markets, changes in economies etc. Owing to the factors highlighted by Noe et al.,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Global and International Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global and International Health - Essay Example These features lead to high prices of illicit drugs and ensure a continuous demand exist around the globe. Assistance from medical professionals like nurses, law enforcement bodies, drug educational services targeting the communities and youths, as well as federal and international counter drug initiatives (monitoring and interdiction operation, disruption of international illegal substance networks, and interception and disruption of foreign drugs shipments) are being used to reduce demand and supply in the market, and minimize the harm caused to the economies and health of drug abusers around the globe. Keywords: Illicit Drugs, Nursing, Trafficking, Supply and Demand, Markets, Consumers, Patients, Addiction, Prevention, Law Enforcement, Rehabilitation, Harm Reduction, Drug Education 1. Global nature of illicit drugs market The trade and use of illicit drugs is a common problem around the globe, affecting the consumers and nations they are trafficked into. Under the international co ntrol, the UNDC conventions describe them as those produced, trafficked and /or consumed against the law. Traditionally, most consumption exists in form of plant products, but due to scientific development, synthetically processed forms are now available. It’s the cheapest means to avail the illicit drugs to new consumers in the market, because it provides them with an alternative. However, the global trend has been driven by the market level demand and supply forces that influence the price and use of drugs (â€Å"Markets,†2010). This is because illicit drugs are limited (exist in low volumes), considering that their dealings are criminalized. This feature gives them another characteristic of association with high unit cost and value; meaning, the nature of the industry can call for very high percentages of their price mark up from production to consumer. The risks and the high degree of monopoly in the market contribute to the disproportionate aspect of the illicit d rugs’ prices and profits against the cost (â€Å"Economics,† n.d.). The other feature of the illicit drugs is the addictive nature to consumers, which ensures continuously high unregulated turnover, worth hundreds of billions in the industry, even though the consumers are few compared to other legal products. It is no doubt that operating in the industry (whether seller or buyers) is a risky move, but no matter how expensive the drugs are, consumers would risk purchasing them to satisfy their addiction. This is the main reason why drugs market continues to expand steadily, despite the legal, financial, and social effort to fight their use in the societies. 2. Evaluate the preventive measures to the increasing use of illicit drugs To reduce the increasing demand and proliferation of the illicit drugs market, primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures are currently in place to support the US population. A common approach in the United States and around the globe is facilitation of drug education to the public. This is being achieved through mass education programs and in learning institutions in the states (Wodak, 2011). The strategy aims to reduce demand by educating potential users to reduce their possibility of consumption. The youths are the potential consumers and need accurate information before they engage into harmful addictions. Recent moves involve investing in the youth and keeping them involved in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Create the topic, since you are writing it not me Essay

Create the topic, since you are writing it not me - Essay Example Although everyone seemed to be informed, very few bought into the sense of community mindset it would take to overcome the challenges of prevention to find a working solution. In Malcolm Gladwell's terms, the lack of adoption of AIDS prevention strategies in spite of widespread awareness discussed in Epstein's essay "AIDS, Inc." is a symptom of weak-tie networks not transitioning into strong-tie connections, a similar psychological problem faced by American college campuses as discussed by Rebekah Nathan. Traditional messaging regarding AIDS in South Africa was focused on forcing the audience to hear and understand the messages being sent. This is very similar to the approach described in Nathan's essay "Community and Diversity," in which college students were coerced into classes attempting to force a false sense of shared community. "As a student, one is immediately enlisted to join the group, to get involved, to realize that one has become a part of the AnyU 'community" (Nathan, 4 1). It didn't work for the students at the university and overt attempts such as this have not been successful in Africa. According to Gladwell, the reasons people decide to join a community remains consistent - those who have strong-tie connections to others engaged in the same pursuit were more likely to behave in the same way while those who had few strong-tie connections were more likely to go their own way. The approach taken correlates with what Gladwell says about weak-tie relationships. According to Gladwell, weak-tie relationships are those formed by general shared interests but few actual responsibilities. "The platforms of social media are built around weak ties," Gladwell says. However, there are strengths in weak ties. "Our acquaintances - not our friends - are our greatest source of new ideas and information. The Internet lets us exploit the power of these kinds of distant connections with marvelous efficiency. It's terrific at the diffusion of innovation, interdiscipl inary collaboration, seamlessly matching up buyers and sellers, and the logistical functions of the dating world." While these networks are very effective in distributing information widely, as evidenced in the surveys mentioned by Epstein, they don't generally lead to the types of changes in behavior needed to address the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Just as Nathan discovered in the college situation, networks are effective at gathering information about risks and common behaviors among groups, but these kinds of weak-tie connections are not powerful enough to bring about actual change or acceptance of mistrusted sources. Fortunately, an activist group well aware of how to convert weak-tie relationships into strong-tie connections for positive change stepped in to help. The bulk of Epstein's essay is dedicated to discussing just how the organization LoveLife approached the problem, serving as an example to other groups who may wish to do the same. "The trick was to get inside the head-space of these young people ... we have to understand what is driving them into sex - they know what HIV is, but they don't internalize it" (Harrison cited by Epstein, 128). Rather than depending on a mostly one-sided media campaign that mimics much of the characteristics of Nathan's

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Joint Stock Company Or Organization Commerce Essay

The Joint Stock Company Or Organization Commerce Essay Managers. Without the presence of these parties the company cannot run properly. Shareholders are the person who own share of stocks in an organization. In another word, the one who hold one or more than one shares in the company. They are also known as the stockholders. They have got rights to purchase and sell the share in or out the organization, rights to vote for the board and has power to take what assets remains after liquidation of a company. But they dont have rights to check the books of financial credit. Similarly, where as manager are the person who are the brain of an organization. All the success and failure of an organization depends upon the activities, ideas, knowledge, and experience of manger. In another word the person who use the management skills to control overall organization is known as manager. The manager has got power to monitor the performance and handle works to the lower members in an organization. Managers mainly focus to take lead in a competitive environment using different kinds of resources like capital, human, natural, intellectual and intangible. Living together in same building creates lots of problems. Likewise no one wants to be small in related to business. The most obvious problem that occurs in company is conflict in interest between shareholder (principal) and manger (agent). This problem usually arises when both the parties tries to maximize their benefits. Shareholder wants to see higher profit in the organization which in results they get dividends from it and manger wants to see higher revenue because more expenses can be made to gain benefit from them. For example if the company or shareholders said to manager to buy another building for business and manager can easily increase the rate and take rest of the money as their benefits which is expenses for the company or shareholders but company does not realise because it is in higher revenue. Both the parties have different attitude towards risks too. Shareholders do not want to bear huge amount of loss in the organization so they invest money in many organization. So, when one company might go to ends then rest of the money are still safe. Therefore their financial securities are not threatened. But managers financial security depends upon how well is an organization is running. Discussion According to the agency theory, the firm can be viewed as a nexus of contract between resources holders. An agency relationship takes palace when the more than one individual known as principal and employ one or more than one other individual called agents, to do certain task in the organization. This theory shows that it creates primary problem in an organization i.e. self-interested behaviour. If the market and the labour are poor outside the organization than the manger tries to increase their own benefit at the expenses of shareholder. Agents (manager) in the company knows more than the Principal (shareholders) so agents has got more chances in their own self-interest rather than the companys interest due to asymmetric information and insecurity. This theory also shows the principal agent relationship. Similarly, if the manager of a company own less than 100% of the organization common stock than the potential agency is formed. But if the company is sole proprietorship than the owner own self as a manager should manage to increase its benefits. So, following are reasons that create conflicts of interest that takeover between manager and the shareholders: Profit related pay Rise in share value Direct interference by shareholder Threats of takeover Managers can be more interested to take over the shareholders interest if shareholders did not monitor and take certain action to them. To reduce these kinds of problems shareholder must bring agency cost. Agency costs are those cost made by shareholders to bring managers in the right track or in another word to encourage manager to maximize shareholders revenue rather than their own self-interest. In order to monitor the activities of managers following activities should be done like: Performance based motivation plans The threat of firing The threat of takeover Controlling undesirable managerial behaviours Proper accountings Budget maximizing Codes of ethics Disclosure Shareholders should always be attentive towards the manager behaviour and activities because managers have better information of company than the shareholder so they can cleverly temp to use the firms assets of their own end. Some inactive share holders will go along with whatever management wants, some active shareholders have tried to influence management, but they often met with defeat. So, the pros and cons of this statement are as follows: PROS Flexible in capital market If the company is corporate than the investors can be easily attract because corporations ability to issue share is a strong point to sell those who wants to invest in the business. So the capital is easily access in the market. Power formation Corporate or joint stock company has got power structure and management form; shareholders, managers, Board of directors. Each of them has got their own rights, duties and responsibilities which help to keep organization in control. Owner have limited liability According to the law the corporation is a separate business. Members of corporate company cannot be held personally until the legal formalities are completed. So the owners are protected from legal liability. Infinite life corporate company has got infinite life unless the company goes to bankrupt or unless it is compound by other company or people. CONS Cost and time Running these kinds of corporation organization it consume lots of cost and time which is not a good aspect of an organization. Similarly having the problems between shareholder and manger can create huge problems while preparing different legal documents and fees must be paid to the secretary of state office. Follow lots of legal formalities According to law a corporate company is a separate entity, independent of owners where different corporate formalities should be ensured. The formalities like handling regular meeting, keeping records of activities, financial records etc. Double Taxation In this kind of corporation the shareholders are exposed to pay double taxation. It means that corporation itself is taxed from the any profit of the business earned plus the any other shareholder who earns profit in the form of dividend is also taxed. Similarly the board of directors are the person who lead and control overall organization using their skills, experience and knowledge. They also act as a link between the manger and the shareholders. The board of directors main purpose is to certify the companys success by monitoring the companies affairs and providing appropriate interest to shareholders and stakeholders. The roles of board of directors are shaping the companys aim and plans, monitoring, handling meeting with effective objectives, solving the financial issues. They are the individual who are been elected by the board of members. They are also sometimes known as board of trustees, board of governors, board of manager. There are different duties that the board of directors should follow in the corporate company which are described below: Fiduciary duty Under the fiduciary duty the board of directors enhance the firms profitability, avoid conflict between the share holders and the managers, act as a good belief in the best interest of the company. Duty of care under this section the board of directors do what a normal wise person would do under same position. Using skills, knowledge, experience the directors takes good decisions. Business judgements rules are held. Duty of loyalty and fair dealing in this section the board of directors makes a decisions which act in the interest of company beside acting interest of owner which means interest of shareholders are given first priority. It is often called as self-dealing transactions. Duty of disclosure Under this section the disclosure to shareholders are provided in two cases i.e. when shareholders are asked to vote and when there is conflict of interest transaction. So, those were the duties of board of directors to make a balance in the organization and to monitor the different activities of manger and to control the problems in conflict of interest between shareholders and mangers. It is an important aspect of good corporate governance that board will, in its turn, be accountable to shareholder and provide them with relevant information so that good decision can take place. CONCLUSION Corporate governance is just as related to a family-owned business as to one with a diverse shareholders support, and just as related to a public limited company as to a state-owned enterprise. Whatever is the form of business but the good corporate governance organization helps to make a business long-lasting controlling its internal disputes, management structures, performance of a organization, plans and policies and complete reflection of shareholder and manger interest. Similarly, it can be clearly seen from the above discussion that the board of directors can make a huge contribution between the principal and agent problem. To control such conflict of interest between shareholders and managers the board of directors should use the leadership skills and the monitoring power in the corporate governance or Joint Stock Company.

Friday, October 25, 2019

To Be, Or Not To Be :: essays research papers

According to Merrion-Webster Inc. Dictionary, a doppelgà ¤nger is a double, an often ghostly or evil counterpart to a character. It comes from the German language, doppel- double + -gà ¤nger goer. It might be asked, 'What does a doppelgà ¤nger have to do with a paper on Joseph Conrad?'; The answer is a lot, especially if Conrad's 'The Secret Sharer'; is being discussed. In this short story, the two characters, the captain and Leggatt, share many similarities, as well as differences. When comparing the similarities and differences, they can be used to show the duality between the captain and Leggatt. Conrad used Leggatt as a doppelgà ¤nger to help the captain come terms with himself. In 1880, Conrad was part of the crew of the Cutty Sark. On this ship, Sidney Smith killed a black man, John Francis. The captain of the Cutty Sark secretly helped Smith to an American ship, the Colorado. Four days later, Smith committed suicide (Daleski 171). Smith had not wanted to be tried for his murder. This experience is particularly interesting when one compares it to Conrad's short story, 'The Secret Sharer';. Conrad directly used his knowledge of the occurrences aboard the Cutty Sark for that particular story. 'The Secret Sharer'; is a psychological masterpiece that dramatizes the act of sympathetic identification with an outlaw. Also, it deals with the achievement of self-mastery when the secret self is exorcised (Graver 150). In it, the character Leggatt is the embodiment of the captain's personality; yet, he is not any higher or lower than the captain. He's only different. He is one side, to a double-sided coin. In the story, the captain of a ship discovers a man named Leggatt. Leggatt had committed murder on the Sephora, on which he was first mate. Not wanting to face a trial, he escaped. The captain and Leggatt form an immediate bond (Conrad 702). Comparing the two, they are both of the same stature, same background. The captain even refers to Leggatt as his 'double';, 'other self';, or 'secret sharer'; almost 40 times (Graver 152). Conrad specifically implies that Leggatt is a doppelgà ¤nger, or the captain's double. They do, however, possess striking differences in their personalities. Where the captain is apprehensive and uncertain of himself, Leggatt is full of calmness and self-confidence (Conrad 702). In fact, part of the attractiveness that Leggatt has, is based on his obvious self-possession (Graver 152). Yet, it must be remembered that Leggatt killed a man.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Owen Wister’s novel The Virginian Essay

One of the strong points of Owen Wister’s western novel is in fact the manner by which the story was conveyed.  Ã‚   The language used to narrate the novel and to deliver the lines of each character truly played a significant part in the development of the story. As I was carefully taking in the imperative social issues that lie beneath Wister’s famous work of western fiction, I could not help but examine the play of words.   According to my own observation, the skilful use of language in The Virginian affected the novel in three ways: making the story entertaining and understandable, embodying well the feelings of the characters, and conveying the traits of the characters. Language That’s Easy to Understand As a whole, I found the language very conversational.   Though the setting is early 20th century America, the conversations among the characters are not that stiff.   The spoken language is what Wister used in delivering the lines of every character.   In one of the scenes from Chapter XI: You’re Going to Love Me Before We Get Through, I was delighted by the conversation between the Virginian and Molly Wood primarily because of the chatty nature of the language used. â€Å"And I would not be oversteppin’ for the world. I’ll go away if yu’ want.† (Wister, 1903, p.130) This is one of the lines of the Virginian.  Ã‚   Even readers from this age could easily capture the thoughts of the Virginian through such kind of language.   Aside from understanding the text, readers may take pleasure in reading the lines since they can relate to the conversational nature of the statements. Embodiment of the Feelings and Traits of the Characters Words are a powerful way of unleashing the true nature and emotions of a person.   In the Virginina and Molly’s conversation, the features of the two characters are shown.   â€Å"That’s all square enough. You’re goin’ to love me before we get through. I wish yu’d come a-ridin’, ma’am.† (Wister, 1903, p.133)   This line reveals the concealed affection of the Virginian for Molly.   Although readers, and even Molly for that matter, may take this straightforward admission as just another witty response from the Virginian, the words used will definitely give a clue of the Virginian’s feelings. â€Å"Dear, dear, dear! So I’m going to love you? How will you do it? I know men think that they only need to sit and look strong and make chests at a girl†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wister, 1903, p.133)   This is the powerful reply of Molly to the Virginian’s emotion-filled statement.   The language helped convey Molly’s hesitant yet persisting fondness of the Virginian.   Behind her question â€Å"So I’m going to love you? How will you do it?† is a strong challenge she wants the Virginian to take seriously. Making Known the Traits of the Characters   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Why, I mean,† said he, easily, sitting down near the door, â€Å"that it’s Sunday. School don’t hinder yu’ from enjoyin’ a ride to-day. You’ll teach the kids all the better for it to-morro’, ma’am. Maybe it’s your duty.† (Wister, 1903, p.130)   This is one example of how language presented the traits of the Virginian to the readers.   The choice of words for the character of the Virginian is suited to his nature as a gentleman who shows utmost concern for a lady. Reference: Wister, O. (1903) The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains. New York: The Macmillan Company   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

AOS: Belonging Essay

Experience †¢Our life experiences teach us that when you stop trying to belong you realize that you have always belonged. †¢We search for a place to belong, not realizing that it is our perceptions and attitudes and not the place that allow us to belong. Notions of identity (Ideas) When your cultural identity is marginalized you can feel displaced and dislocated, and believe that you don’t belong to your culture or the dominant culture. †¢Our search for who we are is fueled by a need to find a place in the world where we belong. Relationships †¢The need to belong to a group of community shapes our behavior, attitudes and actions. †¢An individual has the potential to damage relationships and ensure that others do not belong. †¢When humanity experiences a strong (spiritual) connection to a place the notion of belonging is strength – ENED and ENRICHED. †¢When our relationship with a place is shaped by a narrow and biased view of the world, our notion of belonging can be questionable. Acceptance †¢The basic human need to be accepted and belong can cloud our judgments and direct our actions. Understanding †¢When we begin to understand the forces that drive us to belong we develop empathy for others and personal insight. Essay Introduction Belonging is about connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world. A sense of belong is a fundamental need. As Kofi Annan says, â€Å" We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race†. The oxford dictionary defines the word belong as be a member, fit in a specified environment, not be out of place.’ The need to ‘fit in’, to belong with others is common to all humanity, crossing all geographical and cultural boundaries. The need to ‘fit in’ to belong with others is common to all humanity crossing all geographical and cultural boundaries. Perceptions of belonging are shaped within personal, cultural, historical and social contexts. ‘The Fringe Dwellers’ directed by Bruce Beresford deals with an indigenous Australian family whose struggles for acceptance and identities are portrayed through its main characters. Bruce Beresford has used film techniques†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to show the different aspects of belonging. These characters are depicted as people striving to attain an identity, but the barriers to their acceptance are quite strong. The different aspects of belonging/ not belonging presented in the text are place/land, Topic sentence – about place and land and sense of belonging, Land/Place/Home is an important part, the members of Comeaway family belong to each other and stick together in their extended family in WA. They live in a dilapidated house on the out skit of town. Mrs comeaway is the centre or the family. Trilby has great ambition and plans and wants to move into the council house. The thinks that if she moves into the new house she will be able to like any other white person. The family feels a sesnse of belonging to that place after they moved out to their new home. Trilby says, it’s all new’’. ’A kitchen, an electric stove and running water!† She feels a sense of belonging to that place and does not want her relatives to stay there. The close connection to a place is significant to every individual. Having a home, feeing secure and comfortable is vital. Tribly feels out of place due to her great ambitions and goes away in the end searching for a place of her dreams – to the city to get her great white Australian dream materialized. Some of the shots are extreme long shots and some long shots which show the background. The body language of main characters tells a lot more than words. Trilby and Noonah are a searching for a place to belong Skippy’s return to his tribal birth place indicates that he wants to belong where her belonged. The second aspect of belonging is ‘notions of identity/acceptance. An individual’s sense of identity reflects his/her belief or aspirations about where they belong and feel accepted. When our cultural identity is marginalized we feel displaced and we believe that we do not belong to our culture or group. Our search for who we are is fuelled by a need to find a place where we belong. The sharing of common values creates a bond that allows individuals to feel they won’t be misunderstood or rejected. Often the process off searching and finding one’s identity is a difficult process and can change overtime. In Fringe Dwellers, Noonah, Moolies, Bertie, Joe, are all aware of their identity they never question it except for Tribly – Comeaway school girl. Trilby is full of grand hopes and dreams and questions her identity through body language. There is a difference between knowing your sense of identity and searching for your identity. Trilby constantly encourages her family to be independent and live just like the whites. The director showing the close up shot of Trilby’s face in front of the mirror indicate Trilby’s insecurity about her identity. Again the point of view shot of Tribly looking intently at the window (with the scenes of the city) shows. Her dreams and aspirations. This was the route she looks. Forwards to walk on as it is a pathway to get accepted by the wilder community.