Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Personal Theory of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy...

Running head: A PERSONAL THEORY OF COGNITIVE- 1 A Personal Theory of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Counseling Mary L. Terry Student ID #: 22185762 Liberty University Abstract A counselor’s job is to journey along with their client and to provide insight and support to those who are at risk and those who are hurting and searching for comfort and acceptance. If the counselor is a Christian they will also want to share our Heavenly Father’s love with the counselee and help guide them on a path that will lead them to Christ. There are several different techniques that can be used to break through the walls of some people in order to help them recognize the basis for their feelings whether it is such things as sin or faulty†¦show more content†¦6; Terry, 2011). Feldman’s description of development conforms to Hawkins’ (n.d.) design of the different systems symbolized by his concentric circles regarding the development of a person’s personality. According to Hart (1999), Wilson (2001), and Backus and Chapian (2000) to change the way one thinks it is necessary to effect change in one’s live because thoughts infl uence how events and other people are perceived. Everyone has different influences in their lives, from families to beliefs to economic situations; therefore, each person is a distinct and unique individual. Model of Health In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs there are five levels of desires or basic needs that motivate people described (Fiest amp; Fiest, 2009, pg. 280). Starting with the most basic needs for survival the levels are physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization (Fiest amp; Fiest, pg. 280). As one need is met an attempt is made to achieve the next level. If one is able to reach what is known as self-actualization, the highest level, values such as truth, justice, beauty simplicity, individuality, balance, and harmony are usually greatly respected (Fiest amp; Fiest, pg. 283 and McMinn, 1996). As McMinn points out that these values are extraordinarily like the fruit of the Spirit as described by Paul in Galatians 5:22-23, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. If one has attainedShow MoreRelatedIntegrated Approach For Counseling And Counseling1653 Words   |  7 PagesIntegrated approach to counseling is when you combined theories to cover the clients’ feelings, cognitive patterns, and behavior (Corey, Theory and Practice of Counseling and Pschotherapy 8e, 2009). Each theory focuses one of these key components of a client but in counseling you need to focus on each of these to fully help a client. 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